Green Bronx Machine
Transforming the lives of students through whole-school curriculum, high-performing schools, and urban gardens.

Growing vegetables that grow communities
Originally an after-school initiative created by life-long educator Stephen Ritz and his students, Green Bronx Machine has evolved into a school-wide model that can be fully integrated into curricula for all ages.
Eating their way to spectacular academic performance
Green Bronx Machine builds healthy, equitable, and resilient communities through inspired education, local food systems, and workforce development.
Dedicated to cultivating minds and harvesting hope, its school-based model uses urban agriculture aligned to key school performance indicators. This work grows healthy students and healthy schools that can transform struggling, fragmented neighborhoods into inclusive, thriving communities.
Green Bronx Machine envisions growing healthy communities where those who are “apart from” will become “part of.” It focuses on solutions that benefit 100% of society to create a world where people do not have to leave their community to live in, learn from, or earn in a better one.
Learn more about Green Bronx Machine
Inspiring healthy eating for students and teachers.
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Immersive lesson plans for all subjects
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Current happenings at Green Bronx Machine
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The mission, vision, and yearly impact.
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Support Green Bronx Machine
See how your donations bring curricula, food resources, and programming to more communities and schools.
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Improving the nutrition, health, and well-being of people struggling against poverty-related hunger in the United States.

Creating a more just food system in Bridgeport, Conn., through urban farming.

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