
Safe Water Network

Solving the global water crisis through innovation and collective action.


Creating partnerships for change

Safe Water Network works for sustainable access to safe water in Ghana, India, and globally by partnering with local leaders, institutions, implementers, and community members.



Dissolving barriers for sustainable, safe water

Despite billions spent on safe water solutions, roughly 1 out of 5 systems in developing markets fail within a few years. Two billion people still do not have access to safely managed water. Safe Water Network’s response to this crisis combines three strategic program areas, directly establishing water stations in partnership with local communities, building capacity of other implementing organizations, and facilitating global collaboration. This approach brings together the public and private sectors to overcome the challenges of keeping safe water flowing sustainably for all.

The mission of Safe Water Network is to reach millions in underserved communities by developing affordable, equitable solutions and accelerate access by providing technical assistance and catalyzing sector-wide collaboration. Working within communities and a philosophy of continuous innovation helps the nonprofit assess local needs and to fine-tune solutions that fit each area best.

Safe Water Network is changing lives for children in Ghana and India by ensuring they have time to go to school and are less susceptible to waterborne illnesses because of access to safe water. The nonprofit is providing technical support for the Government of India’s national policy to bring piped water to every family. In Ghana, Safe Water Network is pioneering a micro-utility model with local authorities and the Government of Ghana’s rural water agency (CWSA) that brings piped water to every family’s home, as well as their school, clinic, and business in each community with a station.

Learn more about Safe Water Network

Bridging the water access gap with community-based solutions.
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Thriving communities sustainably managing their own safe water.
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The latest from Safe Water Network and its partners.
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Field insights, reports, market assessments, and case studies.
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